The tradition of kalash people , Οι παραδόσεις της φυλής των Καλάς

Τρίτη 19 Ιουλίου 2022

Zjoshi 2022: First Phase part 1

 Zjoshi 2022: First Phase part 1

At the end of winters, all the males of the valley gather at their holy place Sajigor for performing religious functions before the celebration of the big festival of Chilam Joshi. These functions are:

Dewaka – (Is celebrated in the month of January to show scarification to fairies.)

Basun Marat – (Is celebrated in the month of February also known as spring sacrifice. In this festival a bull and two goats are sacrificed at Sajigor with a prayer for the abundance of dairy products, this event indicates the start of fertilizing crops.)

Istum Saras – (Is celebrated in the month of March for the purification of goat milk, as for Kalash people Milk is considered sacred.)

Kila Saras – (Is Celebrated in the month of April for the purification of new cheese.)


The festival is the most important event of the Kalash people as it signifies the end of chilling cold in the mountainous region and the people celebrate the arrival of spring and summer seasons.

On the first day of the celebration, at 7 a.m. the residents of Brun will head to Rat Nat. They begin to dance until they all gather to the inviting call of the little drummers.

In recent years they then go to Kalasha Dur where they dance again. If there are Greek volunteers during the celebration, bread with cream cheese is offered to all the guests.

The offer of bread and cream cheese for 2022 was made by Mrs. Potitsa Drogari.

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