The tradition of kalash people , Οι παραδόσεις της φυλής των Καλάς

Τρίτη 20 Ιουνίου 2023

PASSPORT 2005 Greek magazine

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Το 2004 ένας Έλληνας βρίσκεται στην οροσειρά του Ινδοκαύκασου στα 2500 μέτρα. Θα επισκεφθεί την φυλή των Kalash. Θα φωτογραφίσει ένα μικρό κοριτσάκι, την Diana.


Το 2005 η φωτογραφία του κοριτσιού θα κοσμήσει το εξώφυλλο του πρώτου τεύχους του περιοδικού Passport. Μερικά χρόνια αργότερα  ένας άγνωστος ταξιδιώτης θα δώσει στο μικρό κορίτσι το περιοδικό με την φωτογραφία του.


Θα περάσουν τα χρόνια, το κοριτσάκι θα γίνει μια όμορφη κοπέλα παραμένοντας στο χωριό της, το  Broon της κοιλάδας Bomburet.


To 2023 μία πολύ όμορφη γυναίκα της φυλής των Kalash περπατά αγέρωχη στους χωμάτινους δρόμους του χωριού της. Είναι η Diana.

The last 2 photos are from Nasir Basik

Τετάρτη 14 Ιουνίου 2023

Joshi Festival 2023 - Fresh flowers from the mountains

 The houses, temples and stables are decorated with yellow fresh flowers on the event of Joshi Festival to pay thanks to God.

Kalash women do a lot beautification on this festival and try to dominate one another. One day earlier the festival the Kalash girls usually wash their hair with ammonium and during this they also take bath putting their cloths on by sitting on the bank of river.

Meanwhile they make fun and gossips with one another. Some of them made five beautiful locks. They make beautiful colour embroidery on traditional black dress and strong petticoat and hat on their heads enhances their beauty. Colourful neck garland with jewels and shells make them the creature of some other world. .

Πέμπτη 8 Ιουνίου 2023

Joshi Festival 2023 - Milk day


Chilam Joshi begins with “Milk day”. Ten days prior to the festival, The Kalasha people store milk from their households. On the day of the festival the people of Kalash offer their libation. The festival reflects their unique cultural richness, the harmony in their society and message of peace to the world. They ask for blessing from the God and pray for a prosperous year of agriculture and health and safety of their herds.

Apparently the dances of Kalash girls seem similar but it is not like this. The slowest type of dance is called “doshak” in which girls and boys separately dance by stepping forward their right step and left step at back by joining shoulder to shoulder in circles. The “drajailak” dance is performed on the medium fast beat of drum. It neither too fast nor too slow. In “shigatak” dancing form the fairies of Kalash perform serpentine dance in the rows of their own tribe or caste.

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