The tradition of kalash people , Οι παραδόσεις της φυλής των Καλάς

Τρίτη 9 Φεβρουαρίου 2021

a fairy tale by a young Kalash

 It was raining one night in July 2018 in Bumburet. The sound of the rushing river next to my room was draping. A young Kalash was writing a fairy tale and he gave it to me. I published it as he wrote it, in memory of our meeting. Thank you very much Zar Bazik

“Once upon a time there was a son of a king and a daughter of another king. One day they (kings) decided to arrange marriage of their children. But the boy didn’t like the girl (daughter of the king). However, the girl loves the boy very much. See what happened one day. They became a couple and the girl went to her husband’s house. But the boy didn’t sleep with his wife. 

One day his parents told him: “my son sleeps with the girl because you are our only son. If you don’t sleep with her how can you maintain our generation?”

Then the boy told his father “If I sleep with the girl (who is his wife now) I will die”. 

But the parents didn’t believe him. They forced him to bed. When he lied down to bed he died after a few hours. 

The next day the villagers buried him. However, after the funeral a Fairy suddenly came there and took the body away. The King’s daughter got crazy. “She was grinding her fingers while she was waiting for her husband’s body. She asked every traveler 

“Did you see my husband’s body?” 

They answered “no” and she again started crying and grinding her teeth and fingers. Finally, she decided to leave her home. 

She went around and around but couldn’t believe her husband’s decease. She walked in the forest and at last she saw his body. She went near the body and she stayed in a small hole behind the large rock. She was waiting for the fairy. After a few hours the holy fairy arrived and picked a small alive willow stick.

She stuck the decease with the alive stick of the willow plant. And the decease woke up and talked to the fairy. They talked for about half an hour. Then the fairy picked a dry willow stick and stuck the boy and he again passed away. 

The boy’s wife was listening from the hole. 

When the fairy left, the girl went to the decease; he picked up the same stick and touched her husband’s body. He revived again.

The boy stood up and told the girl: “why are you here? It’s dangerous for you. The fairy will kill you.”

She answered: “I have sacrificed my life for you”. 

After a short chat the boy told his wife, 

“Please go. It’s the time for the fairy to arrive”.

She didn’t agree and didn’t want to go but the boy told her: 

“Please go now. The fairy will kill you”.

She took the same stick and touched him again and he, again, lost his life. The girl quickly hid behind the large rock. 

After a few minutes the fairy came there, she picked the same stick and stuck the boy. She felt the smell of a human. The fairy told the boy that there is a smell of a human. “Tell me who was here” she asked 

The boy told her 

“No! No! How is it possible? It’s very far away from humans; no one would have the courage to reach this place. 

But the fairy went furious. She didn’t agree. She told him: 

“You‘re telling me a lie”. 

The fairy picked the dry sticks and stuck him and he was dead again. The fairy took the deceased away in a net. She put him in a net-bed and she took him away to another country, in an island. 

In the forest the girl was nervous, she was crying, chanting, beating her hand on the ground and grinding her teeth. She wanted to find a path. Searching here and there, she suddenly saw a beggar coming towards her. When the beggar reached her, she said: 

“Hi, did you see a body? 

He told her “yes I saw a body of a young guy lying on the net-bed on an island but it’s far away from here and it’s very risky. There is no route to reach the island. Why are you so much worried?  Please go back home”.

 But the girl told him: “Please I have sacrificed my life for him. I can’t go back. Please tell me the direction, I will go there. How could I go there?” 

The beggar told her how to get there.  He left and the girl started travelling forward. She passed by many mountains and many forests. After a few days she reached an unknown place. 

She thought: “How to cross the rivers to reach the island? Where is the bed with the body of her husband? Finally she jumped into the river and started swimming. She swam and dived, she hardly faced the challenges and finally she got to a cape of the island and she hid herself inside the plants. She waited for the fairy to come. After a few hours the fairy came and she picked the alive stick and stuck the decease. He, again, revived; he stood up and started the chat with her. They were laughing and talking. They talked for half an hour. After the whole discussion the fairy brought a dry stick and stuck the boy. He became dead again and the fairy flew away. His wife, who was watching the whole scene, approached him and picked the same wet stick and stuck on her dead husband. He revived again. 

The boy surprisingly told her “Hey girl, why you are troubling yourself for me?”

The girl replied “I have sacrificed my life for you. I love you very much. I have left my home and wealth only for you because I love you very much.” 

The boy replied   “are you crazy?”

The girl replied “Yes, of course because of you. I am crazy”

They talked for about half an hour. Finally the boy told her: 

“Please go it’s the time for the fairy to arrive. It’s extremely dangerous for you”. And he convinced her to go.

The girl again hid herself into the plants. After 30 minutes the fairy came again, she picked the wet stick and stuck the body. He revived again. 

The fairy told him “Please tell me the truth. Who was here? I am smelling the smell of a human”. 

The boy answered “How is it possible and how can you say that. Nobody can risk coming here.

The fairy didn’t agree.  She picked the dry stick; she stuck him and went away towards the dangerous mountain where the girl, according to the beggar, got there after their whole discussion. The fairy again objected to   the body and at last the fairy cut the boy into two equal pieces. She made feathers for her headdress or cap and flew away.

The girl was alone again in the mountain.

She was crying and grinding her teeth. Saying why the fairy was doing this to her. Suddenly she saw a man coming towards her. When he was close to her she asked him:  “Who are you?” 

He told her: “I am a beggar! How can I help you?” 

The girl replied “I have lost my husband”. 

And she told him the whole story and what happened to her just earlier. 

After listening to the whole story, the beggar told her that she should go near the desert and hide herself in the hole of a tree. “There is a war of two fairy parties; you have to spend 2 days in the hole of the tree. After the completion of war there will be a zhoshi festival of fairies you should have to wait one more day and at the end of the festival you should go to the king of Fairies”, he said

According to the beggar she repeated the same process. When she reached in the front of king’s Palace she stayed away from the building. She was dressed in official clothes and shoes. 

In the orchard, the children approached her in a group and mocked her, saying “Oh, beggar why you are here? What are you doing here?”

Someone told the king: “there was a beggar in front of the Palace. The children were joking.

The king ordered: “bring the beggar here”. 

When the forces of the king took her to the king she was afraid but she was internally strong.

The king asked her: “How can I help you?” She told him about her journey. How she surpassed the difficulties and hardships.

After listening to the whole story the king told her: 

“Tomorrow is the last zhoshi festival. I will call everybody here, don’t worry but you have to recognize your flower (feather)”. She agreed.

The next morning the fairies gathered at the festival place. The king ordered his arms to arrange chairs to watch the festival. 

The king asked her: “do you identify or recognize your flower? “

The girl replied. “No, these are old flowers. My flower is very new and shining”.

The king asked the crowd: “who is absent from the festival today?” Everybody replied “Oh Lord we are present but a woman name Nil’uki is absent”. 

The queen of fairies ordered the force to bring her in front of the king for the festival. 

When the forces went there she told them “I am ill I can’t walk and dance”. 

One of the army’s forces went to the king and replied: “My Lord she is ill and is not feeling well”. 

The king ordered: “bring her here carefully”

When they brought her in the front of the king she didn’t wear the flower (feather)

The king asked her “why were you absent from the zhoshi festival?”

She replied “I was sick”

Then the king asked her again: “why don’t you wear the flower (feather). 

The king furiously ordered her to fetch the flower and wear it. 

She agreed.

The king asked the girl: “are these your flowers?” 

The girl replied “yes, these are my flowers” 

The king again asked “Are you sure, are these your flowers?” 

The girl replied “yes”.

The king told her: “Don’t worry at the end of zhoshi festival I will give you your flower”. 

The girl replied “Ok”. 

At the end of festival, the king announced: “Everyone can leave except the woman named Nil’uki”

The woman was nervous. Why did the king stop only me, why not others?

The king called her: “come here”. 

She went in the front of the king and stood silently. 

The king asked her: “are these flowers yours?” 

She replied “Yes they are mine, is there something wrong”

The king said “These are not yours. You have stolen them from someone”. 

She cried and replied “No, not at all, I didn’t steal them, they are mine”

The king ordered: “please give them to the girl. Also apologize to her”.

The old lady was crying and chanting. The king told her to revive the young man.

The fairy replied:  “my Lord, I can’t do that”

But the king ordered her to do it.

She stuck with the wet stick and the boy revived again, he stood up and started breathing.

The king ordered to the old lady to apologize to the girl. The king ordered the lady to take an oath: “you will never do this to innocent people again”.

The fairy said: “In the name of god I take an oath, I won’t do this again” 

The girl told the king “Thank you very much, please allowed us to go”.

The king offered the girl and boy security to go home. 

When they reached their home their parents were very old, they had long hair and long nails.

They shaved their hair, cut their nail and spend their life as a good couple with their parents.

“Their Struggle made their dream come true”.

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