Second phase of Zhoshi represents the religious climax of respective festival.
Many sacrifices are offered to Mahandeo deity and the Kalasha people pray for welfare of the community. With the start of second phase, celebrations of the festivals begin. During the second phase of the festival a ceremony called gulprik is celebrated in which all those babies who born after the last Joshi are brought to highlands in each village with their mothers.
The present years at exactly 8 o'clock in the morning all the inhabitants of Brun go to the temple of Jestak. Fathers together with their wives bring from their homes offerings of dried berries and nuts. Each man will carry two full baskets, one for himself and one for his wife. The male parents go to the altar of Mahandeo for the sacrifice of Saraz Dyek. From there they will go down to the Jestak area. A patriot of the Bolasingje lineage, surrounded by the fathers, climbs on the roof of Jestak and the men sacrifice onjesta sara [purity] with the offerings brought by the fathers and share them among themselves.
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